This is the final part of our journey through 2022. In the previous blog post we already presented DBpedia highlights, events and tutorials. Now we want to take a look at the second half of 2022 and give an outlook for 2023.
DBpedia Day @ Semantics Conference in Vienna
Like last year, the DBpedia Day was part of the SEMANTiCS conference 2022 and was held on 13th of September at the ARCOTEL Wimberger Wien. Up to 100 DBpedians joined the DBpedia Day. Also this year, our CEO Sebastian Hellmann opened DBpedia Day by presenting the Linkmaster 3000 project. Afterwards, Olaf Harting from Linköping University gave his fantastic keynote presentation “Towards Querying Heterogeneous Federations of Interlinked Knowledge Graphs”. Furthermore, we organized a member presentation session, DBpedia Science: Linking and Consumption and a community session. In case you missed the event, all slides are also available on our event page or read our blogpost.
Linkmaster 3000
If it’s not linked — does it even exist? On September 13, 2022, Sebastian Hellmann introduced the Linkmaster 3000 at the SEMANTiCS Conference in Vienna, Austria. It’s an online tool in development to manage Linked Data spaces and help make them better integrated in the global database formed by Linked Data principles. Two milestones are pending: a large-scale evaluation and creation of a documentation for the launch.
New DBpedia Member
Since 2007, our DBpedia family has been growing steadily – and this year is no exception. We are once again pleased to welcome organizations from science and industry to the DBpedia family. Beginning in February, we were able to welcome Anhalt University of Applied Science into our midst. This was followed in June by the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) and the Technical University of Madrid. And last but not least, DALICC joined the DBpedia family in November and has grown it to 34 members.
Right now we are excited to see who will become a new member this year and we are already looking forward to it.
DBpedia Tutorial @ the KGSWC 2022

On November 17, 2022, we organized a free DBpedia Knowledge Graph tutorial at the Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Confernece (KGSWC) 2022. In this framework this year’s International Winter School was held under the theme “KnowledgeGraphs: Third Wave of AI” in Madrid, Spain. Around 33 participants joined the tutorial, which was organized by Milan Dojchinovski and Jan Forberg. If you want to know more about the tutorial you can find the slides here
DBpedia Snapshot 2022-09 Release

On October 28, 2022 we announced the immediate availability of a new edition of the free and publicly accessible SPARQL Query Service Endpoint and Linked Data Pages, for interacting with the new Snapshot Dataset. Since the last release we made a few changes. Due to GSoC 2022 (credits to Celian Ringwald) it includes the New Abstract Extractor. In Addition there is still work in progress in order of smoothing the community issue reporting and fixing at Github. The full release description including further statistics can be found on
We do hope we will meet you and some new faces during our events next year. The DBpedia Association wants to get to know you because DBpedia is a community effort and would not continue to develop, improve and grow without you. We plan to have meetings or tutorials at the Data Week in Leipzig, the LDK conference, and SEMANTiCS’23 conference. We wish you a happy New Year!
Stay safe and check Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn or or subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest news and information.
Emma & Julia
on behalf of the DBpedia Association
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