DBpedia – Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graphs are a key factor for achieving industrial innovation as well as political transparency. Our mission is to unlock the potential of structured knowledge by linking data across all boundaries and create a globally accessible and unified Giant Global Graph with exponential synergies for industrial applications and societal value.
Since 2007 DBpedia has been the leading community in extracting, compiling, querying, linking, publishing and quality-controlling knowledge graphs and build applications such as search enrichment, AI, data exploration and curation on top.

Our Values, Founders and Members
DBpedia has become a high-impact, high-visibility project because of our foundation in excellent Knowledge Engineering as the pivot point between scientific methods, innovation and industrial-grade output. The drivers behind DBpedia are 6 of the TOP 10 Most Influential Scholars in Knowledge Engineering and the C-level executives of our members. DBpedia has a vital role as a linked data backbone and a booster of the industrial knowledge graph market.
Why is DBpedia Important?
Unlocking Wikipedia’s knowledge: DBpedia provides a complementary service to Wikipedia by exposing knowledge (from 140 Wikimedia projects, in particular the English Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata and over 100 Wikipedia language editions) in a quality-controlled form compatible with tools covering ad-hoc structured data querying, business intelligence & analytics, entity extraction, natural language processing, reasoning & inference, machine learning services, and artificial intelligence in general. Data is published strictly in line with “Linked Data” principles using open standards (e.g., URIs, HTTP, HTML, RDF, and SPARQL) and open data licensing.
Serving as the crystallization point for largest knowledge graph on earth: Around DBpedia, a large network of data has formed known as the Linked Data Cloud. DBpedia serves as the global and unified access point to this distributed knowledge graph connecting open data, industrial data and its applications.
Your Benefits as a DBpedia Member
Together Towards a Networked Data Economy
- Support the largest and best-known Knowledge Engineering community
- Strengthen the foundation of Semantic Technologies, Linked Data, Knowledge Graphs and Open Data
- Join our network of pioneers to shape the future of knowledge graphs
Innovation for Your Organisation
- DBpedia is an innovation platform. Establish contacts for research proposals, testbed products with early adopters and gather expert feedback; promote your research
- Access thousands of semantically enriched datasets for commercial use
Brand visibility, media exposure, networking, recruiting, access to blog, newsletter, events, batch of honor and much more.
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Member Network of Pioneers
The DBpedia Association has built up an extensive network of international members comprising representatives from industry and academia. These two segments form the majority of the members. There are also startups, self-employed people and a few individuals who mainly support DBpedia with their enormous in-kind contribution.

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