Here you find an overview of the current job positions from DBpedia and our partners. If you are interested in a job offered by our members or partners, please contact them directly.
DBpedia Members
Please find current Job Openings at Diffbot here. Don’t see something that’s a fit for you? Create your ideal job at Diffbot and tell them how you could help.

Dissertation/Architect/Software Developer (R&D) in Social Linked Data project (m/f/d)
DATEV is a large Germany-based IT company providing business software to more than 400,000 businesses, the total number of users is beyond 2.5 million. For the implementation of an R&D project in the field of Linked Data and Semantic Web, DATEV is looking for motivated team members who are willing to face the scientific and technical challenges and who are also interested in transferring this strategic topic into product development after the research project.
In cooperation with our scientific partners, we also offer the possibility of a Ph.D. thesis. The research project is limited to 3 years. However, the position is permanent. You will work in a team consisting of DATEV employees from different departments, scientific partners from the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the BMBF-funded research project “MANDAT – Methods for the exchange of business-related data”. For more information, see here or contact Andreas Both (Head of Research at DATEV).

As a leading developer of knowledge graph based solutions for agile data integration, exploitation and transparency, eccenca is looking for linked data enthusiasts.

The FIZ offers various positions. You will find information for a voluntary service, post-doc positions or doctoral candidates. Here you will find further information and contact persons.

Fraunhofer IAIS has advertised various positions. For example, they are looking for a data scientist, a software developer or an AI solution engineer. Here you will find further information and contact persons.
If you have knowledge and experience in semantic technology, big data, DevOps or .net technology stack (MVC, entity framework, web API…) and you would like to join GNOSS to work on these interesting projects, complete the form and they will contact you shortly.

Triply has published various interesting job positions. For example, they are looking for a senior database engineer, a software developer or a junior data scientist. Here you will find further information and contact details.

Wallscope is hiring! If you’re a data analyst or software developer interested in making a difference with data and developing your skills, send your CV to and tell the Wallscope team a bit more about yourself. Please also check Wallscope’s website for more details.
DBpedia Association
6-12 Month Knowledge Engineering Internship
We always welcome people interested in working on large-scale knowledge graphs. DBpedia can be extended in so many ways that we have projects in almost all areas of semantic web with varied duration. Offsite / remote internships are possible as well.
Application Procedure
Please send us a short letter of motivation and your CV to and include any of the following, if available/ applicable:
- your bachelor and master thesis
- a link to any open-source projects (including any mailing lists) you have been active on. (possibly via an aggregator service such as )
- a list of publications (either scientific or otherwise, e.g. software documentation, blog posts)
- your favorite UNIX one-line command (ideally related to RDF)
We will process your application and get back to you as soon as possible. For any questions regarding the positions or the application process please contact us.
DBpedia Association
Phone: + 49 341 229037 92
Mail: dbpedia[at]
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