Core Publications

    Available from the year 2007


    • 1.
      Hofer, M., Hellmann, S., Dojchinovski, M., and Frey, J. (2020) The New DBpedia Release Cycle: Increasing Agility and Efficiency in Knowledge Extraction Workflows.. In SEMANTiCS (Blomqvist, E., Groth, P., de Boer, V., Pellegrini, T., Alam, M., Käfer, T., Kieseberg, P., Kirrane, S., Meroño-Peñuela, A., and Pandit, H. J., Eds.), pp. 1–18, Springer.
    • 1.
      Michel, F., Gandon, F., Ah-Kane, V., Bobasheva, A., Cabrio, E., Corby, O., Gazzotti, R., Giboin, A., Marro, S., Mayer, T., Simon, M., Villata, S., and Winckler, M. (2020) Covid-on-the-Web: Knowledge Graph and Services to Advance COVID-19 Research.. In ISWC (2) (Pan, J. Z., Tamma, V. A. M., d’Amato, C., Janowicz, K., Fu, B., Polleres, A., Seneviratne, O., and Kagal, L., Eds.), pp. 294–310, Springer.
    • 1.
      Kondylakis, H., Tsirigotakis, D., Fragkiadakis, G., Panteri, E., Papadakis, A., Fragkakis, A., Tzagkarakis, E., Rallis, I., Saridakis, Z., Trampas, A., Pirounakis, G., and Papadakis, N. (2020) R2D2: A Dbpedia Chatbot Using Triple-Pattern Like Queries., Algorithms 13, 217.


    • 1.
      Frey, J., Hofer, M., Obraczka, D., Lehmann, J., and Hellmann, S. (2019) DBpedia FlexiFusion the Best of Wikipedia > Wikidata > Your Data.. In ISWC (2) (Ghidini, C., Hartig, O., Maleshkova, M., Svátek, V., Cruz, I. F., Hogan, A., Song, J., Lefrançois, M., and Gandon, F., Eds.), pp. 96–112, Springer.


    • 1.
      Ismayilov, A., Kontokostas, D., Auer, S., Lehmann, J., and Hellmann, S. (2018) Wikidata through the Eyes of DBpedia, Semantic Web Journal (Hogan, A., Ed.) 9, 493–503.


    • 1.
      Subercaze, J. (2017) Chaudron: Extending DBpedia with Measurement.. In ESWC (1) (Blomqvist, E., Maynard, D., Gangemi, A., Hoekstra, R., Hitzler, P., and Hartig, O., Eds.), pp. 434–448.
    • 1.
      Abele, A., McCrae, J. P., and Buitelaar, P. (2017) An Evaluation Dataset for Linked Data Profiling.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 1–9, Springer.
    • 1.
      van Erp, M., and Vossen, P. (2017) Multilingual Fine-Grained Entity Typing.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 262–275, Springer.
    • 1.
      Ahmeti, A., Fernández, J. D., Polleres, A., and Savenkov, V. (2017) Updating Wikipedia via DBpedia Mappings and SPARQL.. In ESWC (1) (Blomqvist, E., Maynard, D., Gangemi, A., Hoekstra, R., Hitzler, P., and Hartig, O., Eds.), pp. 485–501.
    • 1.
      Meester, B. D., Maroy, W., Dimou, A., Verborgh, R., and Mannens, E. (2017) Declarative Data Transformations for Linked Data Generation: The Case of DBpedia.. In ESWC (2) (Blomqvist, E., Maynard, D., Gangemi, A., Hoekstra, R., Hitzler, P., and Hartig, O., Eds.), pp. 33–48.
    • 1.
      Paulheim, H. (2017) Data-Driven Joint Debugging of the DBpedia Mappings and Ontology - Towards Addressing the Causes Instead of the Symptoms of Data Quality in DBpedia.. In ESWC (1) (Blomqvist, E., Maynard, D., Gangemi, A., Hoekstra, R., Hitzler, P., and Hartig, O., Eds.), pp. 404–418.
    • 1.
      Tamper, M., Leskinen, P., Ikkala, E., Oksanen, A., Mäkelä, E., Heino, E., Tuominen, J., Koho, M., and Hyvönen, E. (2017) AATOS - A Configurable Tool for Automatic Annotation.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 276–289, Springer.
    • 1.
      Mai, T., Shi, B., Nicholson, P. K., Ajwani, D., and Sala, A. (2017) Scalable Disambiguation System Capturing Individualities of Mentions.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 365–379, Springer.
    • 1.
      Mohamed, S. K., Muñoz, E., Novácek, V., and Vandenbussche, P.-Y. (2017) Identifying Equivalent Relation Paths in Knowledge Graphs.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 299–314, Springer.
    • 1.
      Liu, S., d’Aquin, M., and Motta, E. (2017) Measuring Accuracy of Triples in Knowledge Graphs.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 343–357, Springer.
    • 1.
      Sateli, B., and Witte, R. (2017) Personal Research Agents on the Web of Linked Open Data.. In LDK (Gracia, J., Bond, F., McCrae, J. P., Buitelaar, P., Chiarcos, C., and Hellmann, S., Eds.), pp. 10–25, Springer.
    • 1.
      Ismayilov, A., Kontokostas, D., Auer, S., Lehmann, J., and Hellmann, S. (2017) Wikidata through the Eyes of DBpedia, Semantic Web Journal 1–11.


    • 1.
      Megawati, Jang, S., and Yi, M. Y. (2016) Utilization of DBpedia Mapping in Cross Lingual Wikipedia Infobox Completion.. In Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Kang, B. H., and Bai, Q., Eds.), pp. 303–316, Springer.
    • 1.
      Portela, M. A. S., and Guinovart, X. G. (2016) DBpedia del gallego: recursos y aplicaciones en procesamiento del lenguaje., Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 57, 139–142.
    • 1.
      Acosta, M., Zaveri, A., Simperl, E., Kontokostas, D., Fl{ö}ck, F., and Lehmann, J. (2016) Detecting Linked Data Quality Issues via Crowdsourcing: A DBpedia Study, Semantic Web Journal.
    • 1.
      Dojchinovski, M., Kontokostas, D., R{ö}ßling, R., Knuth, M., and Hellmann, S. (2016) DBpedia Links: The Hub of Links for the Web of Data. In Proceedings of the SEMANTiCS 2016 Conference (SEMANTiCS 2016), Leipzig, Germany.
    • 1.
      Br{ü}mmer, M., Dojchinovski, M., and Hellmann, S. (2016) DBpedia Abstracts: A Large-Scale, Open, Multilingual NLP Training Corpus. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) (Chair), N. C. (Conference, Choukri, K., Declerck, T., Grobelnik, M., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., and Piperidis, S., Eds.), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Paris, France.


    • 1.
      Vaidya, G., Kontokostas, D., Knuth, M., Lehmann, J., and Hellmann, S. (2015) {DB}pedia {C}ommons: {S}tructured {M}ultimedia {M}etadata from the {W}ikimedia {C}ommons. In Proceedings of the 14th {I}nternational {S}emantic {W}eb {C}onference.
    • 1.
      Arndt, N., Ackermann, M., Br{ü}mmer, M., and Riechert, T. (2015) Knowledge Base Shipping to the Linked Open Data Cloud. In 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems Proceedings, pp. 73–80, Vienna, Austria.
    • 1.
      Paulheim, H., and Gangemi, A. (2015) Serving DBpedia with DOLCE - More than Just Adding a Cherry on Top.. In International Semantic Web Conference (1) (Arenas, M., Corcho, Óscar, Simperl, E., Strohmaier, M., d’Aquin, M., Srinivas, K., Groth, P. T., Dumontier, M., Heflin, J., Thirunarayan, K., and Staab, S., Eds.), pp. 180–196, Springer.
    • 1.
      Huelss, J., and Paulheim, H. (2015) What SPARQL Query Logs Tell and Do Not Tell About Semantic Relatedness in LOD - Or: The Unsuccessful Attempt to Improve the Browsing Experience of DBpedia by Exploiting Query Logs.. In ESWC (Satellite Events) (Gandon, F., Guéret, C., Villata, S., Breslin, J. G., Faron-Zucker, C., and Zimmermann, A., Eds.), pp. 297–308, Springer.
    • 1.
      Lehmann, J., Isele, R., Jakob, M., Jentzsch, A., Kontokostas, D., Mendes, P. N., Hellmann, S., Morsey, M., van Kleef, P., Auer, S., and Bizer, C. (2015) DBpedia - A large-scale, multilingual knowledge base extracted from Wikipedia., Semantic Web 6, 167–195.


    • 1.
      Kontokostas, D., and Hellmann, S. (2014) The {DBpedia} Data Stack---Towards a sustainable {DBpedia} Project to provide a public data infrastructure for Europe. In EDF2014 Poster Session.
    • 1.
      Bassiliades, N. (2014) Collecting University Rankings for Comparison Using Web Extraction and Entity Linking Techniques.. In ICTERI (Ermolayev, V., Mayr, H. C., Nikitchenko, M., Spivakovsky, A., and Zholtkevych, G., Eds.), pp. 23–46, Springer.
    • 1.
      Lukovnikov, D., Stadler, C., Kontokostas, D., Hellmann, S., and Lehmann, J. (2014) DBpedia Viewer - An Integrative Interface for DBpedia leveraging the DBpedia Service Eco System. In Proc. of the Linked Data on the Web 2014 Workshop.


    • 1.
      Daiber, J., Jakob, M., Hokamp, C., and Mendes, P. N. (2013) Improving efficiency and accuracy in multilingual entity extraction.. In I-SEMANTICS (Sabou, M., Blomqvist, E., Noia, T. D., Sack, H., and Pellegrini, T., Eds.), pp. 121–124, ACM.


    • 1.
      Kontokostas, D., Bratsas, C., Auer, S., Hellmann, S., Antoniou, I., and Metakides, G. (2012) Internationalization of Linked Data: The case of the Greek DBpedia edition, Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 15, 51–61.
    • 1.
      Mendes, P. N., Jakob, M., and Bizer, C. (2012) DBpedia: A Multilingual Cross-domain Knowledge Base.. In LREC (Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Declerck, T., Dogan, M. U., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Odijk, J., and Piperidis, S., Eds.), pp. 1813–1817, European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
    • 1.
      Morsey, M., Lehmann, J., Auer, S., Stadler, C., and Hellmann, S. (2012) {DB}pedia and the {L}ive {E}xtraction of {S}tructured {D}ata from {W}ikipedia, Program: electronic library and information systems 46, 27.


    • 1.
      Mendes, P., Jakob, M., García-Silva, A., and Bizer, C. (2011) DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents.. In In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Semantics).


    • 1.
      Hahn, R., Bizer, C., Sahnwaldt, C., Herta, C., Robinson, S., Bürgle, M., Düwiger, H., and Scheel, U. (2010) Faceted Wikipedia Search.. In BIS (Abramowicz, W., and Tolksdorf, R., Eds.), pp. 1–11, Springer.


    • 1.
      Garcia, A., Szomszor, M., Alani, H., and Corcho, O. (2009) Preliminary Results in Tag Disambiguation using DBpedia. In Knowledge Capture (K-Cap’09) - First International Workshop on Collective Knowledge Capturing and Representation - CKCaR’09.
    • 1.
      Kobilarov, G., Scott, T., Raimond, Y., Oliver, S., Sizemore, C., Smethurst, M., Bizer, C., and Lee, R. (2009) Media Meets Semantic Web - How the BBC Uses DBpedia and Linked Data to Make Connections.. In ESWC (Aroyo, L., Traverso, P., Ciravegna, F., Cimiano, P., Heath, T., Hyvönen, E., Mizoguchi, R., Oren, E., Sabou, M., and Simperl, E. P. B., Eds.), pp. 723–737, Springer.
    • 1.
      Becker, C., and Bizer, C. (2009) Exploring the Geospatial Semantic Web with DBpedia Mobile., J. Web Sem. 7, 278–286.
    • 1.
      Lehmann, J., Bizer, C., Kobilarov, G., Auer, S., Becker, C., Cyganiak, R., and Hellmann, S. (2009) {DB}pedia - A Crystallization Point for the Web of Data, Journal of Web Semantics.


    • 1.
      Becker, C., and Bizer, C. (2008) DBpedia Mobile: A Location-Enabled Linked Data Browser.. In LDOW (Bizer, C., Heath, T., Idehen, K., and Berners-Lee, T., Eds.),


    • 1.
      Auer, S., Bizer, C., Lehmann, J., Kobilarov, G., Cyganiak, R., and Ives, Z. (2007) DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data. In In: Proceedings of ISWC 2007, Busan, Korea.
    • 1.
      Lehmann, J., Sch{ü}ppel, J., and Auer, S. (2007) Discovering Unknown Connections - the DBpedia Relationship Finder. In Proceedings of the 1st SABRE Conference on Social Semantic Web.

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