DBpedia Blog

Retrospective: Google Summer of Code 2024


We received 22 project proposals for this GSoC edition.

For the 13th year in a row, we have been able to support and guide young, ambitious developers who joined us as an open source organization to work on a programming project over this summer. This year we were once again inspired by new project ideas, great results and dedicated students. From the numerous and wonderful project applications we received, we were able to select six proposals to take part in the GSoC, which was celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, with their project idea. Every year, Google Summer of Code offers a great opportunity to work on projects remotely while getting a deep insight into open source projects like ours – DBpedia.

Meet our Google Summer of Code 2024 contributors and their projects

During our summer program, our five finalists worked intensely on their DBpedia projects and achieved great results to show to the public. We furthermore wish good luck to Kavya Agrawal, who also took part in the Google Summer of Code with his project. Topics in the projects included machine learning and natural language processing, working with LLMs and Knowledge Graphs, extraction frameworks as well as the further development of the international DBpedia chapter. If you want to have deeper insights into our GSoC contributer’s work you can find their blogs and repos in the following list. Check them out!

Thanks to mentors

Thanks to all our mentors around the world for joining our project and supporting us with their expertise and kindness. Above all, a big thank you to those who have supported us for many years in a row. Thank you all again for spending over 3.5+ months working with this year’s GSoC contributors and helping them become better open source contributors!

Mentor Summit

As part of the GSoC we also organized a meetup for all mentors. This year’s GSoC Mentor Summit took place on site from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 October at the TETRA & Marriott Hotel Sunnyvale, California. 

After GSoC is before the next GSoC

We can not wait for the 2025 edition. Likewise, if you are an ambitious contributor who is interested in open source development and working with DBpedia you are more than welcome to either contribute your own project idea or apply for project ideas we offer starting in early 2025. If you would like to know where previous mentors and contributors are now working, please read our GSoC blog post about the last 10 years of DBpedia at GSoC. 

In case you like to mentor a project do not hesitate to also get in touch with us via dbpedia@infai.org. 

Stay safe and check Twitter or LinkedIn. Furthermore, you can subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest news and information around DBpedia.

Maria & Julia

on behalf of the DBpedia Association

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