Already, half of the year 2023 has passed by. Time for us to look back on the past half year. What have we achieved? What still lies ahead of us? In the following, we will take you on a retrospective tour through the first half of 2023. We will highlight our past events and the development around the DBpedia dataset. Have fun reading!
DBpedia is part of the Google Summer of Code project 2023

So far, each year has brought us new project ideas, many amazing students and great project results that shaped the future of DBpedia. Like every year, we received many fantastic applications this year. Out of these applications 6 great projects from contributors all over the world were selected to work together with our mentors. Right now the contributors are in the middle of the coding phase. If you want to know more about this year’s projects go and have a look at the DBpedia blog.
DBpedia Snapshot 2022-12 Release
We are pleased to announce immediate availability of a new edition of the free and publicly accessible Sparql Query Service Endpoint and Linked Data pages, for interacting with the new Snapshot Dataset. Check our blog!
Leipzig Semantic Web Day
On June 28, 2023, Sebastian Hellmann presented the DBpedia Databus 2.1. at Data Week Leipzig. Data Week is the networking and exchange event for highlighting scientific, economic, and social perspectives of data and its use, where industry, citizens, science, and public authorities can enter into dialogue. Data Week Leipzig took place June 26-30, 2023. Please find Sebastian’s slides here.
What Will the Future Bring?
We are now looking forward to the LDK conference, which will take place September 12-15, 2023, in Vienna, Austria. Will will organize a tutorial on September 13, 2023. If you would like to join, please check more details on our event page. After that, we’ll fly straight back to Leipzig, because the Semantics Conference will be held at the Hyperion Hotel Leipzig from September 20 to 22, 2023. At the beginning of the conference, we will host the DBpedia Day on September 20, 2023.
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on behalf of the DBpedia Association
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