DBpedia Blog

Recap: DBpedia Training @ Data Week Leipzig


On 16 April, as part of Data Week Leipzig, the DBpedia training on the topic of “Harnessing the Power of DBpedia: Transforming Data into Knowledge” took place with three sessions and different presentations in each. This workshop was designed to introduce you to the vast capabilities of DBpedia and its suite of technologies that are reshaping the way we interact with the world’s knowledge. This tutorial gave all participants an insight into the comprehensive DBpedia technology ecosystem. It was also an opportunity to learn how to integrate and leverage these components to create innovative solutions.

Opening of the DBpedia Training

Milan Dojchinovski (InfAI, DBpedia Association, CTU Prague) and Sebastian Hellmann (InfAI, DBpedia Association) started the opening of the DBpedia Training with general information on the tutorial. Topics of this training were DBpedia in the nutshell, the DBpedia Databus, Databus Use Cases and Deploying your own DBpedia. We also presented four showcases: Semantic Indexing and Search using DBpedia tech, CI and Databus publishing using Jenkins, Databus Metadata Overlay Search System and Terminology Server using Databus, Lookup and Archivo.

Session 1: DBpedia Tech Overview and DBpedia Databus

In the first session, Milan Dojchinovski gave an overview of DBpedia and Sebastian Hellmann gave an introduction to Databus Use Cases, followed by the presentations on “Databus and Collections” and “Making your own DBpedia KG” by Jan Forberg.

Session 2: DBpedia and Databus Showcases: Semantic Indexing and CI

The second session started with “Semantic Indexing and Search using DBpedia Spotlight and Databus” by Jan Forberg which was followed by Kirill Yankov with “CI and Databus publishing using Jenkins”.

Session 3: DBpedia and Databus Showcases (cont.): Metadata Overlay Search and Terminology Server

In the last session, Jan Forberg and Jonathan Justavino Lüderitz talked about “Databus Metadata Overlay Search System (MOSS)”. The final presentation was given by Johannes Frey on “Terminology Server using Databus, Lookup and Archivo”.

Closing Session

Finally, in the closing session, chaired by Milan Dojchinovski (InfAI, DBpedia Association, CTU Prague) there was time for a little wrap-up,  questions and feedback on the DBpedia Training.

The slides from the DBpedia Training are available here.

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Maria & Julia

on behalf of the DBpedia Association