More than 90 DBpedia enthusiasts joined the DBpedia Workshop colocated with LDAC2020.
On June 19, 2020 we organized a DBpedia workshop co-located with the LDAC workshop series to exchange knowledge regarding new technologies and innovations in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic Web. This workshop series provides a focused overview on technical and applied research on the usage of Semantic Web, Linked Data and Web of Data technologies for the architecture and construction domains (design, engineering, construction, operation, etc.). The workshop aims at gathering researchers, industry stakeholders, and standardization bodies of the broader Linked Building Data (LBD) community.
First and foremost, we would like to thank the LDAC committee for hosting our virtual meeting and many thanks to Beyza Yaman, Milan Dojchinovski, Johannes Frey and Kris McGlinn for organizing and chairing the DBpedia workshop.
Following, we will give you a brief retrospective about the presentations.
Opening & Keynote
The first virtual DBpedia meeting was opened with a keynote presentation ‘{RDF} Data quality assessment – connecting the pieces’ by Dimitris Kontokostas (diffbot, US). He gave an overview on the latest developments and achievements around Data Quality. His presentation was focused on defining data quality and identification of data quality issues.
Sebastian Hellmann gave a brief overview of DBpedia’s history. Furthermore, he presented the updated DBpedia Organisational architecture, including the vision of the new DBpedia chapters and benefits of the DBpedia membership.

Shortly after, Milan Dojchinovski (InfAI/CTU in Prague) gave a presentation on ‘Querying and Integrating (Architecture and Construction) Data with DBpedia’. ‘The New DBpedia Release Cycle’ was introduced by Marvin Hofer (InfAI). Closing the Showcase Session, Johannes Frey, InfAI, presented the Databus Archivo and demonstrated the downloading process with the DBpedia Databus.
For further details of the presentations follow the links to the slides.
- Keynote: {RDF} Data quality assessment – connecting the pieces, by Dimitris Kontokostas, diffbot, US (slides)
- Overview of DBpedia Organisational Architecture, by Sebastian Hellmann, Julia Holze, Bettina Klimek, Milan Dojchinovski, INFAI / DBpedia Association (slides)
- Querying and Integrating (Architecture and Construction) Data with DBpedia by Milan Dojchinovski, INFAI/CTU in Prague (slides)
- The New DBpedia Release Cycle by Marvin Hofer and Milan Dojchinovski, INFAI (slides)
- Databus Archivo and Downloading with the Databus by Johannes Frey, Fabian Goetz and Milan Dojchinovski, INFAI (slides)
Geospatial Data & DBpedia Session
After the opening session we had the Geospatial Data & DBpedia Session. Milan Dojchinovski (InfAI/CTU in Prague) chaired this session with three very stimulating talks. Hereafter you will find all presentations given during this session:
- Linked Geospatial Data & Data Quality by Wouter Beek, Triply Ltd. (slides)
- Contextualizing OSi’s Geospatial Data with DBpedia by Christophe Debruyne, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and ADAPT at Trinity College Dublin
- Linked Spatial Data: Beyond The Linked Open Data Cloud by Chaidir A. Adlan, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (slides)
Data Quality & DBpedia Session
The first online DBpedia workshop also covered a special data quality session. Johannes Frey (InfAI) chaired this session with three very stimulating talks. Hereafter you will find all presentations given during this session:
- SeMantic AnsweR Type prediction with DBpedia – ISWC 2020 Challenge by Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab (slides)
- RDF Doctor: A Holistic Approach for Syntax Error Detection and Correction of RDF Data by Ahmad Hemid, Fraunhofer IAIS (slides)
- The Best of Both Worlds: Unlocking the Power of (big) Knowledge Graphs with SANSA by Gezim Sejdiu, Deutsche Post DHL Group and University of Bonn (slides)
- Closing words by the workshop organizers
In case you missed the event, all slides and presentations are also available on the DBpeda workshop website. Further insights, feedback and photos about the event are available on Twitter (#DBpediaDay hashtag).
We are now looking forward to our first DBpedia Stack tutorial, which will be held online on July 1st, 2020. Over the last year, the DBpedia core team has consolidated a great amount of technology around DBpedia. The tutorial primarily targets developers (in particular of DBpedia Chapters) that wish to learn how to replicate local infrastructure such as loading and hosting an own SPARQL endpoint. A core focus will also be the new DBpedia Stack, which contains several dockerized applications that are automatically loading data from the Databus. Attending the DBpedia Stack tutorial is free and will be organized online. Please register to be part of the meeting.
Stay tuned and check Twitter, Facebook and our Website or subscribe to our Newsletter for latest news and information.
Julia and Milan
on behalf of the DBpedia Association
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