DBpedia Blog

DBpedia Spotlight V0.7 released


DBpedia Spotlight is an entity linking tool for connecting free text to DBpedia through the recognition and disambiguation of entities and concepts from the DBpedia KB.

We are happy to announce Version 0.7 of DBpedia Spotlight, which is also the first official release of the probabilistic/statistical implementation.

More information about as well as updated evaluation results for DBpedia Spotlight V0.7 are found in this paper:

Joachim Daiber, Max Jakob, Chris Hokamp, Pablo N. Mendes: Improving Efficiency and Accuracy in Multilingual Entity ExtractionISEM2013. 

The changes to the statistical implementation include:

  • smaller and faster models through quantization of counts, optimization of search and some pruning
  • better handling of case
  • various fixes in Spotlight and PigNLProc
  • models can now be created without requiring a Hadoop and Pig installation
  • UIMA support by @mvnural
  • support for confidence value

See the release notes at [1] and the updated demos at [4].

Models for Spotlight 0.7 can be found here [2].

Additionally, we now provide the raw Wikipedia counts, which we hope will prove useful for research and development of new models [3].

A big thank you to all developers who made contributions to this version (with special thanks to Faveeo and Idio). Huge thanks to Jo for his leadership and continued support to the community.

Pablo Mendes,

on behalf of Joachim Daiber and the DBpedia Spotlight developer community.

[1] – https://github.com/dbpedia-spotlight/dbpedia-spotlight/releases/tag/release-0.7

[2] – http://spotlight.sztaki.hu/downloads/

[3] – http://spotlight.sztaki.hu/downloads/raw

[4] – http://dbpedia-spotlight.github.io/demo/

(This message is an adaptation of Joachim Daiber’s message to the DBpedia Spotlight list. Edited to suit this broader community and give credit to him.)