by Kingsley Idehen (OpenLink Software) and Sebastian Hellmann (DBpedia Association)

Since 2007, we’ve been extracting, mapping and linking content from Wikipedia into what is generally known as the DBpedia Snapshot that provided the kernel for what is known today as the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Today, we are launching DBpedia Global, a more powerful kernel for LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph that ultimately strengthens the utility of Linked Data principles by adding more decentralization i.e., broadening the scope of Linked Data associated with DBpedia. Think of this as “DBpedia beyond Wikipedia” courtesy of additional reference data from various sources.
DBpedia Global (DBpedia beyond Wikipedia) Benefits?
It provides enhanced discovery support by way of backlinks from DBpedia and triangulation links (transitive closure) between nodes in this new LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph kernel.
Ontologies and schemas are mapped to the DBpedia Ontology as exemplified by Wikipedia’s Infoboxes treatment in All with the intent of enhancing findability and subsequent use of a broader Knowledge Graph just as it exists today for the DBpedia Snapshot.
The general objective of this endeavor is to improve link density and quality, have access to archive dumps and structured data in a variety of formats, cross-vocabulary integration, and enhanced findability of relevant and up to date Linked Data associated with the trillions of entities across the massive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph — as and whenever you need it (i.e., just-in-time and most importantly “hot cache rather than copy”).
DBpedia Newsletter and Semantics Conference 2021
We will be using the DBpedia newsletter and blog to keep you updated on the progress of individual aspects of DBpedia Global such as DBpedia Archivo, DBpedia Live API 2.0, DBpedia Live Instance, and Mods (free VOID generator services). Subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest news and information around DBpedia.
Also detailed discussion will happen at the DBpedia Meeting on September 9, 2021 at SEMANTiCS.
Stay safe!
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