Training Material

Snapshot Release

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If you are new to DBpedia it can be quite overwhelming. But together with your motivation and a little practice, you will soon get familiar with the many possibilities of DBpedia. The material below will help you to understand the basics of Linked Data and DBpedia in general but also to acquire hands-on skills in using the common tools. Various videos, presentations and tutorials have been created by expert DBpedians demonstrating how to work with DBpedia Live, the Databus, the DBpedia releases and SPARQL. You can also start by reading through the core publications around DBpedia.

You are looking for training material on further subjects? Just contact us directly.

Linked Data & DBpedia Tutorial

M. Freudenberg, K. Müller and M. Ackermann: Linked Data & DBpedia

DBpedia Tutorial

February 2015: M. Freudenberg and M. Ackermann: DBpedia – Extraction of Knowledge from Wikipedia

Databus Tutorial at Semantics 2019

September 2019: S. Hellmann: DBpedia Databus Tutorial

DBpedia Stack Tutorials:

July 2020: M. Dojchinovski and J. Forberg: 1st DBpedia Stack Tutorial

September 2020: M. Dojchinovski and J. Forberg: 2nd DBpedia Stack Tutorial

December 2020: M. Dojchinovski: 3rd DBpedia Stack Tutorial

The New DBpedia Release Cycle

M. Hofer, S. Hellmann, M. Dojchinovski and J. Frey: The New DBpedia Release Cycle

M. Hofer, S. Hellmann, M. Dojchinovski and J. Frey: The New DBpedia Release Cycle: Increasing Agility and Efficiency in Knowledge Extraction Workflows

DBpedia Live Tutorial

In this tutorial you will get a detailed description about how to install and configure DBpedia Live. It requires the following setup to get started:

SPARQL Reasoning Over DBpedia Data

This tutorial provided by the OpenLink Software Documentation Team demonstrates “on the fly” reasoning (i.e., not the persistence of inferred query results) via the use of inference rules or SPARQL 1.1 property path functionality. With simple examples you will understand how to load and verify data by using SPARQL queries.

DBpedia Warm-Up Tasks

If you like to get more confident working with DBpedia you can also try yourself out by looking through some warm-up tasks that were created in the context of the Google Summer of Code event:

Further Reading

If you like what our project does but are still new to DBpedia there are a few articles that can help you getting started:

  • DBpedia:

Lehmann, J., Isele, R., Jakob, M., Jentzsch, A., Kontokostas, D., Mendes, P.N., Hellmann, S. et al., 2015. “DBpedia–A Large-scale, Multilingual Knowledge Base Extracted from Wikipedia.” In Semantic Web 6(2). IOS Press, 167-195.

  • DBpedia Spotlight: 

Mendes P.N., Jakob M., García-Silva A., Bizer C., 2011. “DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents.” In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems. 8-11.